Donnacha Dennehy [b.1970]
STAMP [2008]

Commissioned by Music Network (with funding from the Arts Council of Ireland) for the Smith Quartet
Performed by the Carducci Quartet
Triskel Christchurch, Cork, Ireland 18th January 2025

STAMP takes as its point of departure some bars from an Italian Salterello dating from the 14 th century, a manuscript of which is housed in the British Library. It is a particularly wonderful dance, which in this instance switches instantly between a 7/8 and a 6/8 grouping. I take this subversive wrong-footing as a license to develop various metrical intrigues through STAMP, and the piece is infused throughout with bars that can simultaneously be perceived as 6/8 or 3/4.

Having recently fallen in love with the French Estampie I had wanted to use this as a source. It has a wonderful, occasionally wrong-footing, form bound together by recurring rhyming ending refrains. Johannes de Groecheio, writing in the 14 th century, claimed that the Estampie was so complex so that it obliged those dancing it to concentrate and avoid any erotic thoughts. However, the extant notations did not trigger a way forward for me, so I was delighted when I found this particularly strange Salterello, as that Italian form is quite clearly derived from the French Estampie.

I like to think of the spirit of this piece as a strange cross between the ringing visceral open-stringed resonances and energy of an Irish session and the wonderful twists and turns of these related medieval dance forms.

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